Coming Soon to a Beta Near You...

We are so excited about the new features and functionality we'll be bringing to you in 2020. But before we can put these products in your hands, we hand them to our faithful beta testers to make sure everything is in tip-top shape. Get a sneak preview of what is going to beta in the next few weeks, and if you're really eager, you can join our team of beta testers and get these features first!

Coming Soon to Beta

Public SignUps
Public Sign Ups

Allowing people to sign up for serving opportunities without a profile
  Pending Profiles
Pending Profiles

Allowing admins to review and approve newly-created profiles
  Privacy Settings
Privacy Settings

Simplified Privacy Settings and Defaults to improve profiles

Learn more about beta testing here...

Think your church would be a great beta tester? Are you the Master Administrator? Sign up to join our Beta Testing team today!

Join Beta

Public SignUps Public Sign Ups

It's great when you can get committed volunteers to join positions and serve in your schedules week-after-week. But sometimes, for large services, holidays, or special events, you need more of an "all hands on deck" approach. Enter: Public Sign Ups.

Public Sign-Ups

With Public Sign Ups, in addition to making serving opportunities available to current volunteers, you'll also be given a public link you can share with anyone. You can choose specific teams or roles to be opened to the public so you can fully staff those high-demand positions and events. And on your schedule, you'll be able to see who signed up through the public link, so you can communicate with them and maybe even recruit them to become a permanent volunteer!

From the volunteer side, when they follow the link they'll see all of the open positions with their serving times, descriptions of that role, and any associated times that are a part of that commitment. They can quickly and easily sign up for any of those roles, without even needing a profile in the system (see Pending Profiles to learn more). They'll get a confirmation email with a way to communicate with the Scheduler, and will get all of the normal schedule reminders and communications. 

Pending Profiles Pending Profiles

In order to allow Public Sign Ups to be truly...well...public, we needed to create a way for people who aren't in the system to create a temporary profile for themselves. These Pending Profiles will capture some basic information about the person, then allow them very limited access to public features in your system (e.g., public forms, open groups, online giving, and public volunteer opportunities).

Pending Profile

From the Admin side, you'll be able to see all of these new Pending Profiles and choose to deny them further access, or approve them and convert them to a full profile in your system.

Initially, Public Sign Ups will be the primary way these new Pending Profiles will be created in the system, but as we continue to release more congregant-facing features, there will be more places that we are capturing this data to help easily create new profiles for the people involved in your church. Stay tuned!

Privacy Settings Privacy Settings

We are drastically simplifying the Privacy Settings and Privacy Default options, which will make Pending Profiles and other future profile enhancements possible. As you can see below, the current options are needlessly complicated, and the future changes will make things much simpler and clearer.

Privacy Settings

Before, pretty much every field in your profile could have different privacy levels, causing a lot of overhead for the system and your own sanity. These new settings and defaults group similar fields together (e.g, all of your phone numbers will have the same privacy level). We're also forcing a number of administrative fields to only be visible by people with appropriate privileges, so people only have to think about sharing the data that makes sense.

Learn More

Not sure if beta testing is right for you? Check out this blog post to learn more about what it's like to be a beta tester at Church Community Builder. 

If these new features are exciting to you and you want to get in on the ground floor, sign up to join our Beta Testing Team today!

Join our team of beta testers

Be sure to subscribe to this Software News blog to stay in the know about new additions and updates to the software and apps.

Topics: This entry was posted in Administrative Support, This entry was posted in Software News, This entry was posted in Volunteer Ministry, This entry was posted in Children's Ministry, This entry was posted in Students Ministry, This entry was posted in Release Notes, This entry was posted in People

Posted by Bobbie Jo Berry on Jan 7, 2020 9:00:00 AM