BlueView to CardPointe

BluePay is introducing a new Merchant Portal on October 1 called CardPointe, CardConnect's all-in-one merchant portal. This portal will replace your current BlueView experience for the account management tasks related to your BluePay account.


Cardpointe Promo


What's Changing?

On October 1, 2018, you will no longer have access to the BlueView portal. Instead, you will use the new CardPointe experience for those account management tasks. For the time being, you will continue to access the BluePay Gateway for your transaction tasks. Here is a chart to help you see what tasks you'll do in each portal:

CardPointe Chart

Note: The switch to CardPointe will not affect gift and payment processing through your Church Community Builder software or any other payment platforms you may have connected to your merchant account. Your Church Community Builder online giving system will not be affected by this change.

Here is a quick video to give you a preview of the new CardPointe experience:
CardPointe Preview Video

Registering for CardPointe

In order to access CardPointe, you must register for a CardPointe user account. You can register starting today! You’ll need three pieces of information:

  1. Your church’s BluePay Merchant ID (MID) — your MID is typically a 15 or 16 digit number beginning with “518…” or “420…” which you can find in the account details section of either BlueView or the BluePay Gateway interface.
  2. Your church’s Federal Tax ID or EIN
  3. Your church’s billing or mailing ZIP code

Once you're registered, you'll be able to start using your CardPointe account, even before BlueView access goes away on Monday, October 1. If you need assistance registering your CardPointe account or finding your MID, submit a ticket or email our Merchant team at


FirstData, the new parent company of BluePay, typically charges their merchants a $119 annual fee and an additional card processing rate of between 0.1% and 0.5% (depending on the pricing model) for access to CardPointe. They communicated these pricing increases to you on your June card processing statement.

We think CardPointe will offer you real value, but we thought that pricing was a little steep, so we fought for lower CardPointe pricing for you. For Church Community Builder customers, CardPointe access will only cost $60 annually (billed on your December statement) with no card processing rate increase!

Future Improvements

BlueView being replaced by CardPointe is just the first step in this multi-stage transition. Over the next several months, more and more of your merchant account and transaction related tasks will be moved into CardPointe and, eventually, the BluePay Gateway interface will also be eliminated.

Check out this PDF for a quick guide to the future offerings of the CardPointe Portal:

Cardpointe-PDFCardPointe PDF

Once you log into CardPointe, take a look around, but keep the above chart in mind. You may see sections in CardPointe — things like transaction, settlement, and funding reporting, a virtual terminal, and chargeback/retrieval management — that you will eventually get to use, but they are still under construction. You may even see some transaction data, but be aware that data may not be complete at first, so we recommend you still rely on the BluePay Gateway for that information until the system is fully transitioned over.

We’re excited about these coming changes as we think you’ll find CardPointe is an easier to use and more powerful merchant portal. For example, if you use the BluePay Gateway interface for reconciliation, you’re going to love how much easier the CardPointe deposit reporting will make reconciliation.

If you have any questions regarding this change or anything else related to your merchant account, please contact us! We have a new Merchant Services support team ready to help you through any issue. You can reach them by submitting a support ticket, or emailing us at

Topics: This entry was posted in Software News, This entry was posted in Finance & Generosity

Posted by Erin Retka on Jan 1, 2018 1:04:00 PM