July 2018 Quarterly Webinar Recording

On Wednesday, July 11, we hosted our quarterly webinar with speaker Jeff Otero, leader of our Software Design team, who talked about some tips and tricks for People: Reimagined, demoed our new Schedules feature,  and gave a sneak preview of where we're going in the future with the congregant experience. Check out the summary and watch the recording here.


Topics included:

  • (3:16) People: Reimagined— Tips, Tricks, and FAQs
  • (19:51) Schedules: Reimagined—Teams, Serving Rotations, Service Plans, etc.
  • (39:15) Beta Testing & Early Adopters— Get Schedules First
  • (50:03) Future Congregant Experience
  • (54:49) Q & A

Get New Schedules Now!

If you are as excited as we are about the new Schedules, here are a few ways you can get the feature before anyone else:

Beta Testing Early Adopters
Our community of Beta Testers gets this new feature first, and are added to a forum where they are encouraged to share their thoughts and feedback to shape the final product. In beta testing, your entire site is moved over to the Beta code branch, so you are on the tip of innovation. If you want an option with a little less commitment, you can be an Early Adopter. Your church stays on the Stable code branch and you aren't a part of the conversation to improve the feature, but you do get to start using it a couple of weeks before the rest of our customers.
We are not currently accepting any new Beta Testers We are not currently accepting any new Early Adopters

Still on the fence about Beta Testing / Early Adopters program? Check out this blog post for more information.

Topics: This entry was posted in Software News, This entry was posted in Webinars

Posted by Erin Retka on Jul 16, 2018 7:17:51 PM