Migrating from Old Schedules to New Schedules

If you have been using the old Schedules feature in the Church Community Builder software, our team would love to help you convert your HISTORICAL/PAST serving data into our New Schedules feature.

This migration is NOT intended for CURRENT/ACTIVE schedules. PLEASE make sure that everyone at your church is NOT using Old Schedules and is entirely using New Schedules as their active Old Schedules will not be brought over.

Think of it this way. You are moving into a new house and have boxes of old family photos that are not coming out of the box unless you need them at the moment. However, you want to keep them with you, so you don't lose them. You aren't planning to bring all those photos up to the living room area because you have new photos that you have taken that are in the living room area. Similarly, we are bringing the boxes of old scheduling data to store in the attic or basement so that if the need arises, you have access to them, but you have new schedules up and running in the living room.

This data will be populated into the archived section of New Schedules which is accessible to your church's Master Administrator and Schedule Admins. This can be done in 3 easy steps:

Choose Your
Conversion Type


Pick Your


①  Choose Your Conversion Type

“We used old scheduling to schedule volunteers and would like to have that historical data to generate reports and view metrics.”


The "Recommended Conversion" maps the old Schedules fields into their most logical new fields in New Schedules:

Department Category Children's Ministry; Worship
Group Team First Grade; Band
Position Position Teacher; Drummer
Status Status Accepted; Pending; Declined
Block Out Dates Block Out Dates  
Preferences Preferences  

If this matches the way your data is organized, fill out the following form to sign up for the Recommended Conversion:

Sign Up for Recommended Conversion


If the recommended conversion does not work for you, we have 3 other conversions that you can select from.


Department None  
Group Category (we would create a category per group that has has a schedule) Children's Ministry; Worship
Position Position 1st Grade Small Group Leader
Status Status Accepted; Pending; Declined
Block Out Dates Block Out Dates  
Preferences Preferences  



Department None (We would make one category to house all historical serving data) Volunteer Category
Group Team First Grade; Band
Position Position Teacher; Drummer
Status Status Accepted; Pending; Declined
Block Out Dates Block Out Dates  
Preferences Preferences  



Attendance Grouping Category (We would make one category for each attendance grouping) Children's Ministry Attendance
Group Team First Grade; Band
Position Position Teacher; Drummer
Status Status Accepted; Pending; Declined
Block Out Dates Block Out Dates  
Preferences Preferences  

Sign Up for one of the Other Migration Option

②  Migrate Attendance Data? (Must have completed Step 1)

“In addition to using old schedules to schedule volunteers, we also used a group event to take volunteer attendance.”

If you don’t use group events to keep track of attendance, then you can skip set 2. If you keep track of whether your volunteers have shown up for their serving assignments using event attendance, we can mark those volunteers that show up on the event as “checked-in”. How do we do this?

  • We look at a group event and schedule event start time
  • We compare to see if there are volunteers who checked into the group event and were assigned to a scheduled event
  • If the volunteer is on both the group event and the scheduled event, then we mark that volunteer as “Checked-In” on the converted historical schedule data.
What do you need to do? Once we have the old schedules converted over, we need to know where to look in your database for these volunteer attendance events. Just fill out this form to let us know the department, groups, and/or attendance groupings for these Volunteer attendance events:

Sign Up to Migrate Attendance Data

③  Pick Your Off-Ramp (Must have completed Step 1)
“Before our off-ramp date, we will have every team at our church transitioned to the new scheduling tool.”

Once you've have selected to have your data converted, you will need to pick an off-ramp date that works best for your church. Make sure that you have enough time between now and the off-ramp date for your entire church to be transitioned to the new schedules.

  • What will happen on the off-ramp date?
  • Schedules and Position menu items on the left menu will be removed
  • Schedules and Position Tabs in Groups will be removed
  • OLD Position options in Forms and Process Queue Automation will be removed
  • OLD Position options in People searches will be removed
  • Serve Tile on a person's profile under the Involvement tab will switch to pull data from New Schedules
  • Timeline data on a person's profile under the Involvement tab will switch to pull data from New Schedules
  • My Fit Matching to OLD positions will be removed. Profile data and search criteria for My Fit will stay the same.

Sign Up for Your Church's Off Ramp Date

“We have not used old schedules and have no data we need to migrate. Can we just turn off old schedules and positions?”

We can absolutely turn off your Old Schedules for you! Using the form below, you will need to provide your church’s ID and confirm that EVERYONE at your church no longer uses the following:

  • Form Automations to OLD Positions

  • Process Queue Automations to OLD Positions

  • Saved People Searches that include OLD Positions

  • Reports that include OLD Positions

  • My Fit as it relates to the volunteer sign-up for an OLD Position

  • OLD Positions page from the left navigation menu

  • OLD Positions tab in groups

  • OLD Schedules Tab in Groups

Where can I find my Church’s ID?

  • Under your System Settings, select ACCOUNT

  • The number to the left of SITE ID is your Church’s ID

Sign Up for Turning Off Old Schedules WITHOUT Data Migration 

This blog post shows the Off-Ramp date options for turning off your Old Schedules feature.

Note: Even after your data has been converted to New Schedules, your historical data will also remain in the Old Schedules system until you turn off that feature, so there is no risk of losing your historical data.

If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to us by submitting a support ticket.

Topics: This entry was posted in Software News, This entry was posted in Volunteer Ministry, This entry was posted in Scheduling, This entry was posted in Volunteers

Posted by Erin Retka on Jan 1, 2018 11:06:00 AM