New Simplified Navigation and Design

When it comes to ministry, you need tools that stay out of your way and are easy to use. Our new simplified design is just that. It's simple, clear, and intuitive. Reap the full benefits of your ChMS with this simple and clear design update, coming to all sites the week of June 22.  

Simple and Clear Design


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Design should guide you to the features you need and call out actions within those features - without a map.  When you first login, you'll see that we rearranged the left navigation to a more concise list of items. Depending on your role at church, this section could easily be overwhelming new staff and leaders. From 22 items to just 10, we made a simpler layout that makes your screen clearer and easier to use for admins and leaders. 

Consolidated Feature Navigation


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Under each section of the new left navigation, we created tabbed pages for specific features that relate to that section.  For instance, instead of having four sections for Attendance Entry, Calendar, Event Approvals and Room & Resources, we put all of these features under "Events" and made it easier for you to manage all Event-related tasks in one place - something we think will spark joy in you and your teams!  

Wondering where we moved Process Queues or Event Approvals?  Take a look at how we mapped out each feature to each new section in the new simplified navigation.
Intentional Visual Design

As you browse through your site, you'll notice a more cohesive page design and standardized site color. We removed the ability to personalize the site color to give us the ability to intentionally use color to enhance your visual experience. As a result, we could call out features and buttons to guide you exactly where you need to look, help you accomplish your tasks faster, and consume information easier. 

My Giving and My Serving


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Financial Admins, Schedule and Plan Admins, and Organizers now have a button to their personal Giving and Serving within their admin pages.  They can organize their teams, track donations, create service plans, and manage their personal giving and serving from the same sections they’re working in on a regular basis. 

New Login Page


New Unified Login Page A

Another change you’ll see is the updated Login Page. Finding public links and the simpler design will help users find exactly what they need. You can edit this page under your system settings to create a welcoming page for users.

Know where to start, even if you don't.

Learning to use premiere technology doesn't need to overwhelm you or your teams. We added some features to help lead you to the answers you need so you can start using the full power of your software today.  

Feature Banners


Feature Banners

So you and your teams can get the most out of your software quickly, we added in feature banners to help show your teams the value of each feature that is available at their fingertips. Each banner includes a quick video and a simple text explanation that reviews the features. Collapse, remove, or keep to help guide you and your teams every step of your software use and implementation.  

Embedded Knowledge Center


Embeded KC

"How do I create a Login?" or "How do I delete a Group?" are just some of the questions we hear on a regular basis from churches as they implement their software.  Where to find those answers may not always be clear, and searching for those answers can discourage your team from using the software. To help, each feature page within your software has been curated with a list of support articles to help get the answers and direction you need without ever needing to have to leave your software. 
Enhancements to Significant Events


Significant Events

Sometimes you need the ability to add a little more information about a specific milestone in a person's life.  Be it a Baptism or a Significant Event, you can now add additional notes to those special days.   

Opt-In or Not.  You Have Time.

Although these changes are pretty straightforward, we know you may not have the time to dig into the new navigation right now. We are adding time on the clock and a button to go back to the classic version of the software so you can adapt to these new changes on your own time, when it makes sense for your schedule. The full UI change will be permanent August 3, so be an early adopter, get the most of your ChMS, and train new staff members on the new and enhanced navigation today.  Note, this change will not impact Classic People Search.  Your Saved Searches, Reports, and ability to switch to Classic Search will still be there after August 3.

Be sure to subscribe to this Software News blog to stay in the know about new additions and updates to the software and apps.

Topics: This entry was posted in Administrative Support, This entry was posted in Software News, This entry was posted in Release Notes, This entry was posted in People

Posted by Bobbie Jo Berry on Jun 3, 2020 3:25:00 PM