Check-In: Mobile Print Hubs and New Report Filter

As we release some enhanced Check-In features today, we are sneaking in two additional features to make Check-In all that more dependable for you and your teams.  So when your church is able to welcome families back to your location, these features will be here ready to use to enhance your Check-In experience.  
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February Release Round-Up

There's a whole lot to love this February! Throughout this month, we're excited to gift you with a number of new features and updates to our browser software and apps, all designed to help make your life easier, your data more manageable, and your tools more accessible. Check out the summary of these updates below, then visit each blog to get a deeper dive on the changes.
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Service Plans for the Mobile Leader

These days, we're doing more and more on our phone.  Even when we've shut down our computer for the day, “after-hour” requests will show up as text messages, direct messages, or even surprise run-ins at the local coffee shop. Needless to say, we can’t always pull out our computer to make changes to our schedules or service plans. Now, we won’t have to!  We're officially bringing Plans to the Lead App to give your leaders the flexibility they need wherever they are.
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Enhanced New Check-In

We've continued to listen to feedback on New Check-In and have released additional tweaks to increase performance and speed. Now available for Standard and Deluxe versions.
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