New Check-In Update - Improvements With You In Mind

We told you that the May update of New Check-In was only the beginning to the changes we had planned for Check-In. While we couldn't get you the newest Apple devices (Come on, Jeff!), we could launch updates specifically designed to help you save time and resources for Check-In.

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Create Profile and Request Login Updates

We are excited to announce a few improvements to your Profile Creation and Login Request experience in the Church Community Builder software, is now live as of Wednesday, May 15. These changes include a consistent Create Profile experience when entering donor transactions and an updated Login Request page.

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September 2016: Improved Security and Scheduling

This month's release is going to introduce new features and redesigns that will provide a better and more secure online giving experience, and ease your Sunday morning stress with improved volunteer management tools. This upcoming Thursday, September 8, we'll be rolling out these exciting new changes — and we think you're going to love them.

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August 2016: More Powerful Tools and Data

As school starts and you gear up for your fall programs, we've been concentrating on making our software a better experience for you, and we are happy to deliver some amazing fixes and improvements to existing features. We are especially excited for the release of our revamped Metrics dashboard on August 25.  This updated toolset consolidates your critical data into easy-to-understand graphics that are always available and up-to-date to help you make better decisions. If your church has the Deluxe version of our software, your new Metrics tools will automatically give you even more access to and control over the kind of data you need to see.

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