People know you as the office expert, but you know the role goes much deeper. Success for you is about empowering your leaders with the data and administrative support they need to understand how people are being cared for and how God is moving in your ministry.

Questions to ask about a ChMS

Anyone can create software, right? And some people can create great software. So how do you make a decision that ensures it’s a right fit for you? When a church begins asking the question, “Where do I begin?” I suggest they work through four important questions.

  • Question #1. What is the story behind the software?

This question confuses many people because they are not sure why it matters. To them Church Management Software (ChMS) is simply a set of tools to get something done. While that is valid, it is also true that when you select a software solution as comprehensive as a church management system (ChMS), you are hitching your wagon to a train which is headed somewhere. This is especially true with cloud-based software, also known as Software as a Service (SaaS).

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Relationships key to CCB success

On a recent flight home from a trip visiting with innovative church leaders, I was reminded of the power of relationships. I believe planes, trains, and automobiles have higher ROI than traditional advertising. Why? Because in today's fast-paced, overly distracted, Web based, teleconferencing, “facetiming” culture, many are left craving face-to-face time and human interaction.

There, simply, is no better way to build trust, convey your passion, and truly know how to serve others. CCB has been built on the back of this philosophy from the beginning. We are routinely outspent and “out advertised” by our peers yet every year yet we are one of the fastest growing organizations in our space. Why? Well sure we have to give credit to the fact that we do a pretty good job with our products and services. No amount of marketing or hype can overcome bad products or service.

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Your church's Web site IS your first impression

I heard someone say recently: "The first time someone steps foot onto your church campus is the second time they've visited your church."

That is not a riddle meant to be confusing but a wonderful observation for church leaders to pay careful attention to. People will visit your church's Web presence to decide if they want to visit your church. It is the new "first impression." And like my parents always said, "You never get a second chance at a first impression."

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CCB partners with Tony Morgan on eBook series


I’m really excited to tell you that we’ve recently partnered with Tony Morgan on his upcoming eBook series that he alludes to at the end of a recent post. There are going to be some unique aspects of this series. Honestly, my first look at this opportunity left me wondering if this was the right decision. But as Tony and I talked, it became clear that our hearts were in the same place and we are headed in the same direction.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you much more right now other than that. I just wanted you to know that CCB is thinking bigger than the “same old, same old” when it comes to connecting ministry with technology. Our focus is so much broader than technology. We share the desire and passion of our church clients in seeing life change occur as a direct result of encountering the Gospel.

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