People know you as the office expert, but you know the role goes much deeper. Success for you is about empowering your leaders with the data and administrative support they need to understand how people are being cared for and how God is moving in your ministry.

“Get Disciple Making Right” fuses technology and ministry

It’s been about six months since I released my first eBook, “Get Disciple Making Right: 7 Ways Technology Helps Churches Win At Making Disciples.” The spirit of this eBook was about making a connection for the senior church leader between ministry and technology.

There is certainly an art to growing disciples because the central figure in the process is people. People grown, learn, and develop in different ways. However, there is also a science to it. We should be able to know if what we’re doing is making an impact, or at the very least moving us closer to our ultimate goal.

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4 characteristics of making critical decisions

Achieving anything in life begins with a decision to do something. If action doesn’t occur, then you have no hope of accomplishing anything. If action takes place, you might fail. But I’d rather try and fail than be paralyzed by a fear of failure.

How we handle our thinking and doing when it comes to critical decisions like...

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What your ChMS will never replace

Relationships are the core of community. Our level of interaction determines the level of connectedness we feel with our church community.

We should use our ChMS to help us identify potential ministry opportunities not replace those interactions.

Your ChMS will never be able to tell you...

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4 things nonprofits do that churches don’t

I’ve lived and worked in both the traditional nonprofit world and in the church world. I get so frustrated by how casual so many churches are about building community. There are four observations that I share with leaders regularly that highlight the differences:

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