Choosing the right church management software can be an overwhelming task. You have to consider function, usability, price, and the other many facets that make certain systems a good fit for your church.

Today we want to focus on the process of choosing the right church management software. The most important thing to keep in mind here is that church management software in and of itself will not solve the problems that led you to look for something new in the first place. Software is merely a tool. Like any tool, it has to be coupled with the right processes, systems, and change management to be truly effective.

"... the primary focus of your church management software should be on connecting the dots about people."

Here are five key thoughts on the topic of choosing the right church management software for your church. Taken together, you might consider them to be your ultimate guide to making the best choice for your church:

1. Reframe the way you think about church management software.

Remember, the primary focus of your church management system should be on connecting the dots about people. Every discussion you have about the purpose of your church management software should be based on the idea that it is helping people grow in their relationship with Christ.

2. Ask questions when choosing church management software options.

Does this decision align with the core values of our church? How much money can we spend? What functionality is fun, and what functionality is necessary? What is the potential impact on your staff and lay leaders? What ‘business’ are you in?.

3. Choose the right church management software for your ministry.

Begin with your ministry processes. Complete an internal needs assessment. Identify a ‘must haves’ list of features and functionality. Talk to other churches. Talk to multiple ChMS providers.

But discipleship demands intentionality because life gets busy. Life gets hectic. Life gets hard.

And that’s when – at its most challenging – discipleship needs to be an intentional, active choice; it’s when church leaders need to be fervently committed to guiding congregants through their journey and toward their ‘next steps.’

4. Resist the temptation to look only at features.

The most important factor to choosing the right product is knowing what your needs are. Take your time during this phase and get it done right.

5. Consider how your staff and volunteers will be affected.

Make sure you ask the right questions and ensure the people you expect to use the system actually understand its value

Take the time to really do some soul searching about what your church’s needs are in a software solution. Here at Church Community Builder, we’re passionate about supporting and guiding church leaders to a better how. We believe our software is one of the best in making this possible. We also care deeply about helping you make the right decision ... even if that’s not us!

How did you choose your last church management system? What would you do different next time?

There's always a next step:

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