Tagged: Church Organization

How to Grow a 'Go and Be' Church in a 'Come and See' World

If you want to see your church grow, stop trying to attract people and start trying to engage...

10 Min Read

The Numbers that Really Matter for Church Growth

While counting heads every week may provide an easy gauge on your church growth, church attendance...

3 Min Read

7 Practical Tips To Stop Overworking

Driven people tend to overwork, but it seems to be prevalent for most leaders. Here are 7 practical...

11 Min Read

You Were Never Meant To Find Your Self-Worth Through Church Attendance

If you’ve spent more than 10 minutes in church leadership, you’re aware of the tension that...

9 Min Read

5 Ways to Stop Volunteer Dropout

You just had another volunteer quit. Losing a volunteer hurts. Will more quit? Why can't you seem...

4 Min Read

Online is the New Church Foyer...and More 2019 Trends

It is no surprise that the culture around us is changing at warp speed. How is the Church staying...

17 Min Read

The Ephesians 4 Church: Create Sustainable Ministry

Ephesians 4 calls us to equip, and how we respond to this calling – engaging people, investing in...

4 Min Read

5 Simple Steps You Can Begin Today to Make a Big Impact Tomorrow

Sometimes leadership can seem so overwhelming. In reality, though, leadership is simpler than it...

8 Min Read

7 Phrases You Say That Don't Motivate Your Team

If you’re a driven leader, want to know how to really frustrate your team? Here are 7 things driven...

11 Min Read

How to Start Motivating Your Team Today Without Breaking the Budget

Is pay the only want to motivate people? What really motivates people? Here are 5 things that can...

9 Min Read