The mobile strategies we see churches deploying today feel very similar to what we saw happening with websites back in the early 2000s. In those days, the common mantra was ... JUST DO IT! Everyone knew that you had to have a website if you wanted to be ‘relevant’, but little thought was given to what? How? And why? These questions were pushed aside in a rush to get something — anything — on the web. Few churches were asking how a website could help them achieve more purposeful goals like engaging people and moving them towards deeper connection and community..

Today, many churches are in the same place with the move to have a mobile tool, rushing to have something but missing the chance to answer how this tool can help them engage people and make more disciples. No one wants to be left out; we get that. Church leaders know that “we need an app!” but, in most cases, they are just throwing things out there with little or no thought to what they hope will happen as a result.

"... many churches are in the same place with the move to have a mobile tool, rushing to have something but missing the chance to answer how this tool can help them engage people and make more disciples"

Like any other technology tool, mobile is not a silver bullet. You must be intentional to fully leverage it. It has to be deployed within the confines of effective strategy and processes. Here are five key principles to consider:


1. Think of mobile as the new 'welcome center' for your church. 

You know intuitively that many people will take a long time to get comfortable enough to show up at ‘Guest Central’. Some people won’t ever show up! Mobile apps allow these people to connect with your church on their terms, without awkwardness. Your mobile app can be your digital front door.


2. Identify you most critical 'wins'.

Much like a overly complex website, a chaotic and unfocused mobile strategy can actually confuse people and drive them away. It is super important to define a small set (three to five at most) of outcomes or ‘wins’ you want from your mobile strategy. What do you hope will be different and how will you know it’s happening?

3. Segment your strategy for congregants and leaders.

Church visitors and members have very different needs. As a visitor, I want to learn more about the church and connect in a safe and gradual way. As a leader, I need tools that can help me steward the people I lead. A single mobile app can’t do both effectively. This is why the integration between tools like Church Community Builder and Aware3 is so powerful. The combination of those two core competencies provides a very focused and intentional set of tools for two very different users.

4. Secure staff buy-in and commitment.

This starts with the people who lead the vision, direction, and strategy of your church. They must become ‘evangelists’ for your approach and model the right behaviors. Next, it has to be clear to everyone on staff that ‘going rogue’ will not be tolerated. The first time someone decides to use a new mobile app or tool that falls outside your defined set of systems and processes, you must redirect them. It’s okay, however, to explore why they feel compelled to do something different. This will help you learn and adapt.

5. Communicate, communicate, communicate! 

This may seem obvious, but regular and consistent communication must become part of your strategy. Too often we observe churches that communicate very well at the launch of a new strategy and totally ignore it six months later. Strategy leaks, just like vision does. Make sure you constantly remind staff, leaders, members, and visitors about the presence of your mobile strategy and its purpose.

How is your church using mobile? What impact are you seeing as a result? 

There's always a next step:

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