The word ‘discipleship’ gets thrown around a lot. We talk about needing more of it and how we really need to focus on it. Because sure, we all have an idea of what it implies.

But to truly understand what is expected of us, we need to start with the basics, and that means defining what discipleship is: ‘Following in the ways of someone else.’

As church leaders, we should continually be focused on discipling the people God entrusts to our ministry.

So if we expound upon the idea of ‘following in the ways of someone else’ – and how someone evolves from an attendee to a leader – we realize that discipleship is a journey, and one that we as church leaders must be sure to facilitate: How we grow people, take the church beyond its walls, and beyond any given Sunday; how we welcome people in, keep them engaged, equip them, and send them out to do the work of the ministry. But most importantly: How and where does discipleship begin?

Discipleship begins with you.

As church leaders, should continually be focused on discipling the people God entrusts to our ministry. However, we often forget that the discipleship process should begin with us and how we lead our people. We must disciple them well and teach them how to do the same before we can make disciples of others.

Intentional discipleship needs a plan. It needs a vision of what we can become, of what life in the Kingdom as a Christ-like person can be.

So to better equip you to equip others on their journey, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite ‘how-to’ articles to start you in the right direction.

Getting From Here To There:

Intentional discipleship needs a plan. It needs a vision of what we can become, of what life in the Kingdom as a Christ-like person can be. We need intention – the decision that Jesus models for us is what we want and intend to become. And we need the means to get there. We need a strategy made up of spiritual disciplines and godly relationships.


The Missing Link in the Christian Life:

God empowers us to become the sort of people whose impulses are bent toward love, and this happens when we create space in our lives to know God intimately. Justice and spirituality go together! What if we all chose to allow the life of God to live in and among us?


The Equipped Church: Three Outcomes of Intentional Discipleship:

Intentional discipleship is a church filled will people who are becoming more like Jesus. When your church makes the commitment to be intentional in your disciple-making process and equip the saints for ministry, you can expect spiritual maturity to change the conversation, address problems, and draw seekers.

...We realize that discipleship is a journey, and one that we as church leaders must be sure to facilitate...

Often, we all know what we want, but aren’t sure how to get from Point A to Point B. But just as we have all heard the adage about journeys beginning with a single step, we must also recognize that this journey begins with a single person: ourselves.


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The Biggest Factor Impacting Your Ability to Reach More People

What is the biggest difference between churches that are growing and those that aren’t? How likely...

7 Min Read

How Growing Churches Approach Discipleship

How can we provide a place to grow spiritually and how do we measure that growth? Does your...

6 Min Read

How to Grow a 'Go and Be' Church in a 'Come and See' World

If you want to see your church grow, stop trying to attract people and start trying to engage...

10 Min Read


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How Growing Churches Approach Discipleship

How can we provide a place to grow spiritually and how do we measure that growth? Does your...

6 Min Read

8 out of 10 First-Time Guests Will Not Return to Your Church Without a Personal Touch

How healthy is your church? There are many metrics and numbers to understand, but how do you know...

4 Min Read

How to Grow a 'Go and Be' Church in a 'Come and See' World

If you want to see your church grow, stop trying to attract people and start trying to engage...

10 Min Read

Community & Culture

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How to Guide People from 'Decisions' to 'Disciples'

It’s a (common) slippery slope: A person makes the decision to become a follower of Christ, so we...

3 Min Read

Why Your Welcome Team Might be the Most Important Team this Week

There are a lot of details vying for your attention during weekly preparations. Don't leave out...

4 Min Read

6 Steps to Planning Compelling Services

People should not be leaving our churches because they are not compelling. Nothing and no one is...

9 Min Read

Church Organization

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The Numbers that Really Matter for Church Growth

While counting heads every week may provide an easy gauge on your church growth, church attendance...

3 Min Read

7 Practical Tips To Stop Overworking

Driven people tend to overwork, but it seems to be prevalent for most leaders. Here are 7 practical...

11 Min Read

How to Grow a 'Go and Be' Church in a 'Come and See' World

If you want to see your church grow, stop trying to attract people and start trying to engage...

10 Min Read


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8 out of 10 First-Time Guests Will Not Return to Your Church Without a Personal Touch

How healthy is your church? There are many metrics and numbers to understand, but how do you know...

4 Min Read

How Growing Churches Approach Discipleship

How can we provide a place to grow spiritually and how do we measure that growth? Does your...

6 Min Read

Why Your Welcome Team Might be the Most Important Team this Week

There are a lot of details vying for your attention during weekly preparations. Don't leave out...

4 Min Read


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How to Take Ownership Back Over Technology, Apps, And Devices

We live in an age where we no longer own our devices. Our devices own us. And when technology runs...

14 Min Read

Behave on Sunday Morning Like You Can Help Someone During the Week

So your church has a website and a Facebook page - trying to connect with people online. Here’s the...

8 Min Read

How to Become a Disciple-Multiplying Church

Once we look inward and recognize our integral role in discipleship, the next step calls for us to...

3 Min Read


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Church Accounting Software for 2021

Strong financial management is critical as you pursue your mission. Discover the best church...

6 Min Read

Engage The Hearts of Your Givers Pt. 1

The most immediate benefit of a year-end giving plan is, of course, increased giving. So here are...

6 Min Read

Engage The Hearts of Your Givers Pt. 2

People give to a vision, not to a line item, budget or project...

6 Min Read

Missions & Outreach

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How to Become a Disciple-Multiplying Church

Once we look inward and recognize our integral role in discipleship, the next step calls for us to...

3 Min Read

10 Methods that Make the Biggest Impact in Your Community

Methods of doing ministry—that is, styles, strategies and best practices—evolve. But since our...

7 Min Read

The Biggest Factor Impacting Your Ability to Reach More People

What is the biggest difference between churches that are growing and those that aren’t? How likely...

7 Min Read

Small Groups

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How Technology Increases Small Group Effectiveness

Many churches understand the importance of intentional community, yet very few implement the...

3 Min Read

What Is A Discipleship Journey?

As church leaders, should continually be focused on discipling the people God entrusts to our...

3 Min Read

How to Guide People from 'Decisions' to 'Disciples'

It’s a (common) slippery slope: A person makes the decision to become a follower of Christ, so we...

3 Min Read


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