Tagged: Discipleship (4)

A Letter to the Leader Feeling Overcome with Discouragement

In many churches, and in many not-for-profits, staff leaders are wondering where the high capacity...

7 Min Read

7 Insights to Creating Rhythms that Inspire Beyond Orientation Training

Training is training is training, right? Take a look at the process of training your volunteers and...

5 Min Read

4 Ways to Connect with Your Holiday Visitors After the Big Weekend

You've recruited your volunteer teams and are in your final preparation for the big holiday...

9 Min Read

12 Ways to Maximize Your Church's Relational Connections

Connections are a vital part of any healthy, thriving church. You may call this assimilation, or...

6 Min Read

5 Questions You Should Be Asking To Measure Your Leadership Impact

In many churches, and in many not-for-profits, staff leaders are wondering where the high capacity...

8 Min Read

6 Ways to Prevent Losing Your Most Reliable Volunteers

In many churches, and in many not-for-profits, staff leaders are wondering where the high capacity...

7 Min Read

Create a Guest Follow-up Using Church Management Software To Help Close the Back Door Each Weekend

You’ll need rock-solid processes to follow-up with those who’ve chosen your church for Easter....

6 Min Read

Easter and First-Time Guest Overload: The Biggest Sunday of the Year

The biggest Sunday of the year can bring new faces to your church, and you want to make sure their...

6 Min Read

5 Simple Changes You Can Make Today to Impact Your Volunteer Base This Year

Everyone has a lot going on, and it's hard to get people to volunteer. Here are the best ways to...

4 Min Read

7 Questions Every Volunteer Asks But Never Says Out Loud

Almost every volunteer at some point asks variations of these 7 questions. If you’ve volunteered...

9 Min Read