Tagged: Missions & Outreach (2)

Why We Need The Church To Lean Inside AND Outside In Order To Multiply Disciples

With only 7% of churches in America currently reproducing, we aren’t even keeping up with...

11 Min Read

3 Misconceptions About Empathy And The Power It Holds In Your Leadership

Empathy is one of the most important traits a church leader can have, and one of the linchpins of...

5 Min Read

Please Don’t Forget My Moms This Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is the second highest day in church attendance, right behind Easter. There’s gonna be...

3 Min Read

5 Factors That Impact Your Guest Experience In The First 10 Minutes

The way you welcome and interact with your first-time guests directly impacts their decision to...

11 Min Read

Dear Pastor, Did Easter Wear You Out?

There are two common feeling pastors have after Easter weekend has come and gone. The first is a...

7 Min Read

Will Unchurched People Find Jesus at Your Church?

Just because a church is growing doesn’t mean it’s filling up with unchurched people. Hoping to...

9 Min Read

Testimony: Using Your Church Management Software During Tragedy

Tragedy and emergencies can never be predicted, but we hope that every church can be prepared to...

1 Min Read

You Can't Sit Here - Are You Saving Seats for Visitors?

We would never want someone to feel unwelcome into our homes. Ask yourself, are you unintentionally...

10 Min Read

Keep Pace with Culture or Be Left Behind

The message of the church will never change - it is eternal. However, the method in which we...

12 Min Read

Effective Community Outreach For A Healthy Internal Community

When we count on outreach alone for church growth, what we’re essentially doing is focusing...

5 Min Read