Tagged: Small Groups (2)

4 Ideas to Sprinkle Life into Small Groups This Summer

Before your church gives up on maintaining a thriving small group ministry during the summer, here...

4 Min Read

How to Find and Develop Future Leaders

The definition of leadership development is helping people discover and use the extraordinary gifts...

8 Min Read

How to Reach Your Leadership Potential When You Are Stressed and Busy

When asked how they are doing, most leaders will answer with a variation of stressed or busy. This...

10 Min Read

Stop Taking Leadership Personally

When you take leadership seriously, everyone wins. When you take it personally, almost everyone...

7 Min Read

The Worn Shoes of a Leader

The worn shoes of a church leaders are often reflective of the weight they are carrying. Most...

9 Min Read

Salvation Isn't the Finish Line

Salvation is simply the first step on the journey of discipleship. Here are 7 realities of...

5 Min Read

Small Groups and the Summer Slump

Between vacations, family reunions, travel athletic teams for kids and other summertime activities,...

6 Min Read