Old Schedules Off-Ramp

Once you have signed up to have your Old Schedule data migrated into Beta Schedules, your site's Master Administrator will receive an email from us to choose the date they want their Old Schedules feature turned off.

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Migrating from Old Schedules to New Schedules

If you have been using the old Schedules feature in the Church Community Builder software, our team would love to help you convert your HISTORICAL/PAST serving data into our New Schedules feature.

This migration is NOT intended for CURRENT/ACTIVE schedules. PLEASE make sure that everyone at your church is NOT using Old Schedules and is entirely using New Schedules as their active Old Schedules will not be brought over.

Think of it this way. You are moving into a new house and have boxes of old family photos that are not coming out of the box unless you need them at the moment. However, you want to keep them with you, so you don't lose them. You aren't planning to bring all those photos up to the living room area because you have new photos that you have taken that are in the living room area. Similarly, we are bringing the boxes of old scheduling data to store in the attic or basement so that if the need arises, you have access to them, but you have new schedules up and running in the living room.

This data will be populated into the archived section of New Schedules which is accessible to your church's Master Administrator and Schedule Admins. This can be done in 3 easy steps:

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Scheduling in the Hands of Your Volunteers

This update is for your hard-working volunteers, and the schedule organizers who love (and schedule) them. As of Wednesday, February 22, your volunteers will have the ability to choose their own serving opportunities. Here are a couple of elemental changes that paved the way.

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