Tagged: Church Organization (6)

Playing the Numbers Game Is a Good Thing for Your Church

But what numbers will really mean the most when it comes to building true community in your church?...

3 Min Read

The Other Side of the Ephesians 4 Coin

Multiplication and growth requires us to empower and release leaders to ‘be the ministry’. However,...

4 Min Read

How Churches Can Maximize the Mobile Ministry Opportunity

Like any other technology tool, mobile is not a silver bullet. You must be intentional to fully...

5 Min Read

Does Your Staff Really Embrace Ephesians 4 Ministry?

One of the things we believe wholeheartedly at Church Community Builder is that the Ephesians 4...

3 Min Read

Building Buildings is Easier than Building People

Discipleship is messy. It’s really hard work. You have to keep up with people and figure out where...

3 Min Read

Reaching Church Members in an App-Centric World

Mobile technology has become an ingrained part of our culture, sometimes to a fault. So how can you...

4 Min Read

Accelerate Ministry Momentum by Equipping the Saints

Every church on the planet has room for improvement in the way that we equip the saints. This goal...

3 Min Read

How Church Community Builder Enables Ephesians 4 Ministry

The Ephesians 4 model is something that has driven us since day one at Church Community Builder. We...

4 Min Read

Culture Precedes Process

If your culture isn’t a strong one, no amount of process improvement is going to help. Culture has...

4 Min Read